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Work Groups

Local experts lead work groups in transportation, housing, digital access, workforce and dementia.

Leaders of all ages, who work both in and outside of aging, collaborate across disciplines and realize age-friendly goals in five areas:


Age-friendly transportation supports mobility and a variety of affordable, accessible transportation options for people of all ages and abilities. Everyone deserves to choose how to get from place to place. 

Highlights: Trained PRT bus drivers. Made accessibility changes to seats on 300+ buses.


Age-friendly housing is affordable, accessible, connected and safe for older people. Everyone deserves housing options that meet our changing needs and preferences.

Highlights: Advocated for LBGTQ+ housing for people ages 65+, including the Mosaic Apartments.

Digital Access

Age-friendly digital access means affordable devices, high-speed internet and lifelong learning opportunities. Everyone deserves access to technology.

Highlights: Produced an advocacy video. Supported the expansion of digital literacy classes.


Age-friendly workforce supports employment opportunities for people of all ages, and promotes age-friendly practices in the workplace. Everyone should have access to meaningful work. 

Highlights: Launched a two-season webinar series on age-inclusive workplaces. Developed a rubric for employers.


Dementia-friendly communities are safe, stigma-free and supportive of people living with dementia and their care partners. Everyone should be able to participate in life their whole life.

Highlights: Created a community toolkit. Supported the expansion of Dementia Friends and Memory Cafes.

Contact Envelope
Want to get involved with a Work Group?

Contact Cassandra Masters, Associate Director, at or 412-532-7144.