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Age-Friendly Neighborhoods are good places to grow up and grow old.

Age-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh works with local leaders to improve the experiences of older adults and people of all ages in our neighborhoods. These leaders spearhead intergenerational events and projects with funding and strategic support. Older adult voices are amplified and shared via creative storytelling, including photography, videos and social media.

Beechview, McKeesport and Sharpsburg were selected as the second group of Age-Friendly Neighborhoods for a two-year term, 2024-2026. Our anchor organizations include the Beechview Historical Society, St. Paul AME Church and Sharpsburg Neighborhood Organization. Stay tuned to our website, social media and newsletter to follow along as our neighbors build communities where people of all ages can thrive.

Five Black women of different ages pose for pictures at a tree planting event in the Hill District.

Age-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh works with neighborhood leaders who want to improve the experiences of older adults and people of all ages in their neighborhood.

Clairton, Coraopolis and the Hill District were the founding group of Age-Friendly Neighborhoods. During a two-year term, 2022-2024, these neighborhoods each undertook creative projects to bring people of all ages together. Key partners included AIU Clairton Family Center, Coraopolis Community Development Corporation, Macedonia FACE and Lively Pittsburgh. 

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Want to get involved?

Contact Susan Swarthout, Community Engagement Manager, at or 323-253-8066.