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What We Do

Our Action Plan guides our work. It is organized into three sections: people, community and culture. Change is needed for individuals—our day-to-day experiences—and it’s needed in community, or in how we relate to one another. In a bigger, broader way, change is needed within institutions and society.

How can we make the Pittsburgh region a place of intergenerational connection, and a better place to live as we age? We start by orienting ourselves around these belief statements, below. To learn about specific programs, check out Our Work.


We believe everyone has the right to live, work and move how they choose. Together, we are reimagining the experience of aging in our region. Highlights include: 


We believe in the power of rich, mutually beneficial relationships. Together, we are creating opportunities for engagement across generations. Highlights include:


We believe aging should be valued and celebrated. Together, we are preventing ageism and promoting age inclusion. Highlights include: