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About Us

We work to advance age inclusion and equity. We bring generations together to reimagine where we live, work and play, so people of all ages can thrive.

Our Mission & Story

Age-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh’s mission is to bring generations together to reimagine how our neighborhoods are built and to advance equity through advocacy, education and innovation. Learn more about our part in a global movement.

What We Do

We work together to make our region a good place to grow up and grow old. Our Action Plan sets forth a bold vision for intergenerational connection and aging in community. See highlights of our work.

Meet Our Team

Age-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh staff come to our work with years of experience in gerontology, community organizing, higher education and other diverse professional backgrounds. Say hi!

News & Updates

Get the latest news about Age-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh. Browse this archive of our newsletters as well as press releases, articles and interviews.